Low-threshold access to AI with an educational mission

Pankow Library
July 6, 2024
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Low-threshold access to AI with an educational mission

The Pankow City Library has set itself the task of facilitating access to new technologies for all citizens. With a wide range of media and a dedicated team, the library aims in particular to democratize access to artificial intelligence (AI) and in doing so strengthen media literacy as part of its educational mission.


To implement this project, the library initiated an innovative project: Every Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., a workshop was offered under the guidance of a trained specialist from the library, which introduced participants to the world of generative AI. The aim was to demonstrate the understanding and possible applications of AI in a wide range of areas.


One of the biggest challenges of the project was the broad and diverse target group, which ranged from parents and their children to pensioners. In addition, only limited resources were available to implement this ambitious project, which required efficient and effective planning and implementation.

AI-powered processes

Image creation

The participants were able to create their own pictures with the help of AI, which was particularly well received by children and adolescents.

Write texts

The creation of texts through AI helped participants explore the possibilities of automated content creation.

AI Chat

By using AI chat, participants were able to ask questions and receive answers in real time in an intuitive way, which promoted understanding of AI.

Idea generation & brainstorming

This area supported participants in going through creative processes and generating new ideas.


The results of the project were extremely positive: various mindverse tools, in particular the image creation tool, were used with great enthusiasm by visitors. Diverse and creative images were created that reflected the imagination of the participants.

Actively strengthen media skills
Deliver generative AI to all groups of people
Key Objectives of the Project

In addition, the workshops led to lively discussions about the benefits and application of generative AI as well as about the advantages and disadvantages for different areas of life and different areas of society. Overall, the project was very well received, and thanks to the assisted workshop environment by the experts, generative AI could be made available to different people.


As a result of the project, the Pankow City Library was able to successfully provide a wide audience with access to generative AI. In light of the positive feedback and high demand, the library plans to further expand its offerings and establish further events on the subject of AI. This makes the Pankow City Library a central location for lifelong learning and access to the latest technologies for all citizens.

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July 6, 2024
Pankow Library