Integrate the latest AI technologies into your business with our API

Developed and hosted in Germany
Create new content
Dissemination of content
Create brainstorming
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With the Mindverse API, you can seamlessly integrate advanced AI technology, including our language models and other AI technologies, with your own products and services.

Students using AI to learn

With Mindverse, you can choose from a wide range of tools and APIs, including technologies that aren't based on OpenAI/ChatGPT or Google.

Our own advanced AI models are specifically tailored to the needs of our customers and fine-tuned with data from our Mindverse SaaS suite of more than 100,000 users. These models are completely isolated and not connected to third parties, with our focus on the German language.
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Prices include VAT
Each API call delivers high-quality, personalized content based on your specific needs.
For intensive use, we also offer volume discounts, contact us for more information.
There is no minimum contract period or notice periods, you only pay for the API calls you actually use.
We update our API regularly to ensure that you can always enjoy the latest features and improvements.
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